Matiff, the acronym for Matera Art International Film Festival was born from the prestigious cultural setting of the city of Sassi, Unesco’s World Heritage and European Capital of Culture of 2019.

The place where the art and culture inspire us every day to create amazing and sublime works.

Our vision is oriented towards the innovation in order to transfer it to the community and to the future generations. A world where the arts are the highest expression of knowledge and where the cultural contexts of development and social growth are favoured.

Our goal is that MatiFF becomes more and more collective project that gathers extraordinary and sublime works.


Our commitment is to bring Matera to become a cultural reference center that knows how to attract the attention of cultural investors.

We are convinced that is essential to attract famous and emerging directors and to continiously point out on the cinematographic landscapes that Matera is known for.

Our mission is to value all of the aspects- the citizens of Matera and quarters of Sassi as well as forbidden suburbs of the city, through the cultural proposals and initiatives during the entire year.


In the special Preview of MatiFF0 was created an audiovisual production entitled “Rallies of Cinema” clearly inspired by Pasolini’s inquires. The documentary testifies the relation and perception of the citizens living in these villages with the productive and cultural machinery of the Cinema which has been frequently using the city of Sassi as a location.


Matiff is a Festival that celebrates all of the arts and aims to give a life to a Biennale with the International Exhibitions, in which theater, cinema and architecture will become reference points on both – national and international scene. A project that will be possible to realize thanks to the precious engagment of Matera’s artists.


After 2019 and the experience of Matera as the European Capital of Culture, our commitment is to nominate the city of Sassi the World Capital of Architecture to value a genius system of collecting the water, the system that has been used by Matera’s people in the first decades of the 20th century.

An important engineering expertise that inspired MatiFF 01 with “Ulysses on Mars” that we want to share and make visible to the whole world after the surprising discovery of the water traces which is a symbol of life on the Red Planet.


We are made to attempt great and sublime works, to discover new lands and increase our knowledge in order to make a real contribution to the humanity through art. This is why we want to open a “crowdfunding campaign” to support the production of the first film shot on Mars.

It always seems impossible until is done. Nelson Mandela



The Preview of Matiff Zero held from 16 to 19 September 2020. It proved to be a special edition that besides receiving wide compliments, was like an artistic voice of chorus that celebrated great performers.

The memory of Enrique Irazoqui Levi chosen by Pasolini to be the most famous Christ of the evangelical cinema. The lifetime Achievement Award “Luchino Visconti” to Giancarlo Giannini who made us feel like in a dream during the closing night.

The award “Cartier Bresson” for the photography to Giovanni Gastel, friend and the artist that recently passed away, who has left precious and unforgettable artistic tribute.

To the eclectic artist Achille Lauro goes the Award for the Young Producers. And furthermore, the Award “Antonio Infantino” to Nahaze as the best emerging artist of the year with the Golden Record for “Carillon” – she is the first artist from Matera to reach this goal in the music industry.

  • Matiff Premiazioni

And how we should forget about the guest of honour? Director Federica di Giacomo that opened the inauguration night with “Ridiculous part of the life”. A documentary that tells a story about Matera with an ironic, anthropological and observant gaze. Matera before a touristic expansion when the folklore was all about explanations, such a ridiculous ones full of improvised guides led by unsuspecting and lost tourists along the streets of Sassi.



MATIFFMatera International Film Festival – realizzerà nel 2021 un festival delle produzioni cinematografiche ed un concorso internazionale con differenti sezioni a tema: lungometraggi, cortometraggi, documentari, spot pubblicitari, art animation, trailer, market della sceneggiatura e dei diritti cinematografici.

In attesa della prima edizione ufficiale del Festival, dal 16 al 19 settembre 2020, si è stata realizzata un’anteprima, dal nutrito programma, con la quale, l‘Associazione si presenta alla città e a tutti gli interlocutori nazionali ed internazionali.

Obiettivo del MATIFF non è essere una mera, per quanto utile, vetrina di opere cinematografiche “esogene”, ma anche quello di produrre strumenti culturali e didattici che mettano in relazione virtuosa e inedita le persone con il mondo del cinema. Una formula interattiva che si configuri come soglia d’accesso ad un rapporto culturale e sociologico con la Settima Arte.

A tal fine, nelle quattro giornate dell’anteprima, tra le altre proposte, il MATIFF entrerà nelle periferie dimenticate di Matera.

In questi straordinari, quanto trascurati quartieri, sarà realizzata una produzione audiovisiva dal titolo COMIZI DI CINEMA, chiaramente ispirata alle inchieste Pasoliniane. Il documentario che ne scaturirà testimonierà la relazione e la percezione dei cittadini di questi borghi con la macchina produttiva e culturale del cinema che molto frequentemente ha utilizzato la città dei Sassi come location.

MATIFF – Matera International Film Festival – will carry out an international competition in 2021 that will cover different sections: feature movies, documentaries, commercials, art animation, trailers screenplay and screen rights market.

Waiting for the first official edition of the Festival, from 16 to 19 September 2020, it will be presented a Preview of the Festival, with an abundant program, that will serve as an introduction of the Association itself to present to the city and to all national and international interlocutors.

The objective of MATIFF is not to be a mere, however useful, showcase of “exogenous” cinematographic work, but furthermore to produce cultural and didactic tools that put people in a virtuous and unprecedented relationship with the world of cinema. An interactive formula that is configured as an access threshold to a cultural and sociological relationship with ‘’ Settima Arte ‘’                ( Seventh discipline of the art, the cinema  )

Finally, upon the closure of the Preview, during the four days of the ceremony, among other proposals, MATIFF will reveal to everyone the forgotten suburbs of Matera.

In these extraordinary, yet neglected neighborhoods, it will be realized an audiovisual production entitled COMIZI DI CINEMA which is clearly inspired by Pasolini’s investigations. The documentary that will emerge will testify the relationship and perception of the citizens of these villages with the production and cultural machinery of the cinema that frequently used the city of  Sassi as acfavorable location.